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DDI Teknoloji ve Bilisim Çözümleri Ar&Ge Hizmetleri Ltd.Sti.

DDI Teknoloji was established in 2003 in Istanbul/Turkey. Since its foundation, DDI has been delivering turn-key digital transformation projects with regards to information and content-based solutions to its customers including the leading public organizations and private enterprises.

DDI Teknoloji's head office is located in Istanbul; it has a branch in Ankara as well as an R&D Center in Edirne Technology Center. With its vast experience of almost 20 years in the market, DDI continues to add great value to its customers.


Region Middle East
Product focus CEM - Portal;ECM - Content Lifecycle Management;CEM - Semantic Navigation;CEM - Customer Communications Management;CEM - Digital Asset Management;CEM - Mobility;CEM - Social Media;CEM - WCM - Web Experience Management;CEM - WCM - Web Site Management;ECM - eMail Solutions;ECM - Enterprise Archive;ECM - Learning Management;ECM - Mobile Solutions;ECM - Captiva;ECM - Capture & Recognition;ECM - InfoArchive;ECM - LEAP;ECM - Clinical Archiving;ECM - Documentum Platform;ECM - ECD Value Office Solution: Healthcare;ECM - Document Sciences;ECM - ECD Value Office Solution: Energy & Engineering;ECM - ECD Value Office Solution: Lifesciences;ECM - Kazeon;BN - F&DD - RightFax;BN - F&DD - Alchemy;CEM - Exstream;CEM - TeleForm;CEM - LiquidOffice;CEM - MediaBin;CEM - Qfiniti;CEM - TeamSite;ECM - PIXEL;ECM - OpenText Application Content Management
Type of partnership Reseller
Industry focus Automotive;Financial Services;Insurance;Manufacturing;Retail;Telecommunications;Aerospace & Defense;Utilities;Energy;Engineering & Construction;Public Sector
Partner level Silver

Products and Services Overview

  • OpenText ECM Platform 
  • SAP xECM by OT 
  • OT DAM 
  • OT VIM 
  • OT Archiving and Document Access for SAP   
  • Information Capture Platform 
  • Custom Mobile Development Applications 
  • Turn-key Intelligent Digitalization Services   
  • 5X8 and 7x24 Support Services

Corporate Address

Maslak Mahallesi Dereboyu 2.Cadde A Center İş merkezi No:15 İç Kapı No:118

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